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Tractor Trailer & Trucking Accident

At Robert F. Green & Associates, we see tractor trailer and commercial trucking accidents every year. When professional drivers are reckless, fatigued or speeding, innocent victims can experience severe injuries, trauma and financial loss. Accidents involving tractor trailers or semi-trucks almost always result in injuries, if not death, and finding resolution with a trucking company can be difficult.

Trucking accident claims are filed against the commercial carrier – not the individual driver. Commercial trucking companies have insurance policies to cover these types of accidents but they often do everything in their power to keep from paying what they owe. Many times the insurance company employs a group of experts and a legal defense team in an attempt to deny a victim’s claim.

That is why it is so important to contact an experienced Florida attorney immediately. At Robert F. Green & Associates, we know how to successfully file claims against large trucking companies. If you have been in an accident involving tractor trailers, commercial vehicles or semi-trucks, call (407) 256-7325 and speak to one of our experienced attorneys today.